"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
- Wayne Dyer
Areas of Treatment Specialization
- Anorexia
- Bulimia and Diabulimia (individuals with Type I Diabetes and Bulimia)
- Binge Eating
- Over-Exercising
- Orthorexia (strict adherence to eating 'right' or 'clean')
- Eating Disorder in Pregnancy
- Depression
- Low Self-Esteem
- Body Dysmorphia / Body Issues
- Health at Every Size (HAES) orientation towards bodies and weight
- Obsessive and Compulsive Behaviors / Thoughts
- Social Anxiety
- Panic Attacks
- Agoraphobia (fear of being in open spaces or leaving "safe" areas)
- Generalized Anxiety / Worry
- Phobias / Fears
- Test / School Anxiety
- Communication Skills
- Caregiver issues
- Couples Issues - pre-marriage, relationship conflict, communication skills, pre-divorce, etc
- Pregnancy and new parent related struggles
- LGBTQIA+ related struggles
Dr. Bush approaches all eating disorder treatment within the Health at Every Size (HAES) framework. As Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Anna Sweeney said, "encouraging body change to address body image woes is like suggesting someone smile to try to treat depression." Research has shown that it is more the stress and anxiety of living in a larger body in a fatphobic society that is the cause of the frequent health concerns associated with being overweight than it is due to the weight itself. Let Dr. Bush help you learn to accept your body and stop trying to change it.
Populations Served:
- Adults
- Elderly
Psychological Services:
- Diagnostic Evaluation
- Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy
- Skills Training
- Parent and Relationship Training
- Experiential exposures and meal support therapy
Dr. Bush recognizes that each person's challenges have development roots and can be embedded within larger social networks.
Call or email Dr. Bush to discuss how you can jointly create a treatment to best meet you or your family's current needs. In your initial telephone consultation, Dr. Bush will gather basic information and will discuss initial recommendations.
Dr. Bush works with a treatment team that includes psychiatrists and nutritionists to ensure that reliable referral options are convenient if desired.